Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

February 14, 2012

"Gripping Clean Love Stories" by Sharda Chaitanya

Of the nine life areas, as per the Bagua that we work with in our particular Feng Shui style, one of the top 3 that people choose to enhance is always the relationship corner.  This is almost always a given.  If one is not romantically involved, they want to be.  If they are already in a committed relationship, they want to improve upon it.  And quite honestly, it's really one of my favorite Guas.  When I owned the cafe, I was responsible for getting a few singles into couples; something I was very proud of.  I fancied myself a matchmaker, a Yenta, the older lady of the village who, through her wisdom, practicality and intuition, would introduce one lonely forlorn individual to another lonely-hearts.  It is, in my opinion, a noble profession, one of necessity and requiring an innate talent, insight into the human heart, and hutzpah -- the matchmaker is second only to one's parents in importance.  Of course the element of a gossip is inherent in the personality of the Yenta -- she knoooows much, it has to be that way, it's what makes her good at her job.  She has a keen 6th sense, can look into your eyes, touch the palm of her hand to yours, ask you a few questions and, just like that, have your desires in the bag.  She's discovered a few things about you that you didn't intend for her to find out, which can be a little disconcerting at first.  It's like she's taken your love-quotient temperature.    You've put your trust in her and she's the one to deliver the goods.  And she's good for it, it's what she does.  With all the joy and aplomb of a well-decorated oracle, she knows what, or who, you want for your future.  

I'm not sure that Feng Shui is quite like I am. It's almost exactly like that, although without the palms touching.  Or the gossip.  But at heart it's much the same.  The Feng Shui consultant takes the issues of the client to heart and wishes for only the best possible outcome.  On that note, I want to share 3 Feng Shui tips for the bedroom.  

Tip #1)  Keep the room free of clutter and distracting electronics (which is all electronics).

Tip #2)  Hang pictures and art that reflect what kind of relationship you want,

Tip #3)  Make sure the bedroom is designate for 2 -- stay away from dormitory decor.

                 I Wait

There has fallen a splendid tear
From the passion-flower at the gate.
She is coming, my dove, my dear;
She is coming, my life, my fate;
The red rose cries, ‘She is near, she is near;’
And the white rose weeps, ‘She is late;’
The larkspur listens, ‘I hear, I hear;’
And the lily whispers, ‘I wait.’ Alfred Tennyson (1809–1892), British poet.

February 07, 2012

Why Feng Shui Makes Us Feel Good

Doing something that makes us happy or adds beauty to our life or lifts our spirits is never an isolated act. 
 By Sharda Chaitanya 
The absolute very first thing I noticed after arranging my home according to Feng Shui principles was the change in the feeling that was created in the atmosphere.   And the change was both immediate and palatable.  As soon as I moved some furniture around, tossed some things out, and did a little cleaning, the room felt so different.  And better, yes.  Calmer, grounded and open. 
I was somewhat in awe -- a silence fell over me that I had not experienced within the confines of my own home.  I have been to places and in situations that have had that kind of vibe, but not at home.  Was it so simple to feel better with just a switching around of a bed or a bureau or a planter? 

I had not formally studied at that point and just had my book and myself.  Insomnia being on my side, I also had plenty of quiet, middle-of-the-night time to myself.  I read the passages, looked at the diagrams and tried to move from concept to actuality.  That alone took several hours.  Just the act of contemplating changing something, energy begins to shift.  I stopped agonizing over whether or not I was going to get it exactly right and did what I thought I knew.  I moved my bed from here to there, from there to there, back to here, and finally settled on right there.  It was good.  Wasn't it?

I did the bedroom first because that really is where we spend the most important hours of our day.  The hours spent sleeping is when significant things happen for our benefit.  Without getting into much detail, suffice it to say that the revitalizing, re-energizing and re-grouping that takes place in body, mind and spirit during our nighttime sojourns is e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y important to our well-being.If one is having insomnia and has no explanation for it (or even if there is any explanation) Feng Shui could in many case change that for the better.

Back to the drawing board.  Or more accurately, back to the Bagua.  The next great shift was going to be in my living room.  Now it is very important to keep in mind that a small room is just as important as a large room.  For the large majority of apartment-dwellers, this should be understood.  Effective Feng Shui does not depend on the size of the space.  Feng Shui can be applied anywhere -- your desk at work, your car or, heck, even your hotel room.  I moved the sofa, the coffee table and turned an odd sort of table into a desk.  I needed a desk, I wanted a desk and thought I didn't have a desk.  Until I got creative that night and saw that I already owned a desk!  Again, another two hours dedicated to moving the furniture into three or four different configurations until I settle on one.  

The experience was much like when you bring home a new painting or wall hanging and put it up.  You look at it from this angle, that angle, you turn around as though you don't know it's there, and turn around again as if you're seeing it for the first time.  I stood in several parts of the living room taking in the new arrangement.  Huh?  It was time to try it out.  By that I mean, grab a glass of wine and sit on the loveseat in its new location.  This is interesting...and different...and...better?  At this point my cat, (who'd been avoiding me for months now, since we moved into this new place) jumped up onto my lap like he had done since forever.  Really?  Well, there ya' go.  (Animals are a very good gauge of energy, BTW.)  I took that as a thumbs-up  from the Feng Shui gods that it was a success.  And yes, I did like the arrangement better and it definitely flowed.  And it was the start of something big.

So...WHY does doing Feng Shui make us feel better?  It is a mystery of sorts.  Even Master Lin Yun said sometimes even he didn't even know why some things work the way they do.  But, if I did pretend to know why, this is what I'd say: ENERGY LOVES ATTENTION!!!!  And why not?   Doesn't everything respond to Tender Loving Kindness?   We take inanimate objects for granted, at face value.  Did you ever notice how the T.V. or the computer is acting wacky and then we talk baby talk to it and tell it it's okay, "C'mon, your a good computer, we like you."  And you pet it and make kissing sounds?  And then boom, it starts to work again.  But those are objects, and energy is formless, invisible, silent.  When we tune into the chi, we are required to listen; then wait for a response.

Whenever I work on something of a mechanical nature, or otherwise, and I get frustrated and find myself tensing up and having an energy fight with the thing, I will take notice.  Stop.  "Why isn't this working?"  I relax, breathe (very important for flow of Chi) and make peace with the object.  I reverse the negative momentum into one of calm -- and start again.   Nine times out of ten it works; I chose to respect the object rather than treat it as something that I thought I was better than.  When that happens, when things (or conversations, or people or anything in our lives) work easily, it means balance and harmony have been restored. 

Energy is everywhere and it is ours to do with it what we like.   This is the beauty of free-will and co-creating.  Once you know what you are dealing with, you can create, change, or create change, move energy, have energy speak to  you, you can respond to it, etc., etc.  So on and so forth,,,  In other words, the field is wide open.  The space is  your canvas and the energy is your brush.  The objects are you colors and your goals are your inspiration.   Honoring our environment in this way brings it to life, it is a form of gratitude.  It is gratitude in action.  And gratitude grows exponentially -- it does not stop once the task is complete.  Energies such as gratitude and compassion reverberate and will latch onto similar energy, and grow, and that new energy will ignite more of the same, and continue in a positive motion.

Flow, balance and harmony -- these are restorative qualities that are inherent in the principles of Feng Shui.  By bringing these simple aspects into your home or workplace, you are serving a higher good, and that makes everyone feel better.

"Soul Taking Root"

Angela Peregoff: Soul Taking Root  2/6/2010

Reverend Angela informs us that the energy of our evolution and evolutionary process is in high gear, and suggests that we take steps to stay aligned with the incoming light in order to benefit fully.  The fidgety discomforts we are experiencing are a result of more clearing of the 3D constrictions of time as we perceive it.  Staying disciplined in meditation and energy/chi enhancing exercises is very much supported by this current phase. Rather than remain functioning in a linear paradigm, which serves to constrain and limit us, we can perceive energy and our connection to it as spherical.  In this way Unity Consciousness is better served.   -S.C.-

Note:  Until now many of the explanations I've read regarding symptoms of the ascension process have dealt mostly with the physical discomforts we experience due to the shift from carbon-based bodies to crystalline-based bodies.  But this information addresses a much more subtle and profound change that affects us more deeply and more thoroughly.  Indeed I see it as a clear indication that our forward progress is on target.


The golden opportunities of Higher Destiny on spaceship Earth are knocking if you are in the right place at the right time and in the right state of consciousness this week.
Entrance to a greater sense of Self and self truth are potent now as your evolutionary cosmic seeds of consciousness are rooting and streaming into your Earth existence. New ideas from the soul self are ready to plunge you far beyond what you presently perceive.
Support is here to augment your newest intelligences.
It doesn’t matter if you consciously recognize the newest tools of human form or not; truth is most of us are still in the developmental phase of establishing a relationship with our expanded perceptual flexibility. A little eccentricity and innovation on your part this week though will give the Universe a thumbs-up signal that you are ready to embark upon the time and territory of positive change.

In many regards you will know access to new parameters of perceptions is occurring if you are questioning anything in your life right now. Understand too that questioning can take the form of attitudes of discontent, indifference, and confusion. Some in my world are feeling like they have nothing to give . . . they are soul searching for a greater meaning and not being satisfied with what they are looking upon each day. Others are in the unrelenting company of frustration, feeling imprisoned by their own limitations. If you can relate to similar attitudes and feelings you’ll be happy to hear that it is all the workings of Sweet Spirit caressing you with the latest version of your newest nature. As more Source-affirming currents are anchored into your field and form you sense It and become antsy. Instead of tuning in to what needs to be integrated in our consciousness, we usually head right for self-condemnation.
There is a distinct mood change occurring as swiftly moving galactic winds take us into the Aquarian Age and 2,125 years of empowerment and remembrance. Spiritual knowledge is showing up in all kinds of places. Just last week the President of the United States stood before congress and appealed to their innate sense of unity. While what lays ahead on the path for the United States is uncertain President Obama continually strives to offer the olive branch of harmony and peace among all peoples. If you observe from an objective viewpoint you’ll notice his demeanor of leadership demonstrates a ballast of discernment between false illusions and intuitive truth. It is part of the shift that is in the making.
If you are one of those souls who have brought balance into your life through transformation; gained understandings of universal law and the true essence of physicality then get ready, you too are about to be recognized as a teaching force in this domain. Why? Because that Higher Destiny that is working for everyone isn’t leaving any souls behind. It is practice time for all conscious creators; a greater encodement of Light is ready to be expressed and lived on Earth.
Waves of Source-point energies that were previously dormant are now activated. Universal Mother Nature is sounding a call and large contingents of earthlings will be taking an evolutionary leap of consciousness that can alter their form and expression of existence. This productive time period of 2012 resounds with a vibration that rapidly expands your potential even while you and the world continue in a massive reconfiguration. Be mindful of the social, economic and relationship stresses that are being purged in order that we can share power and authority with “others” rather than fight for control. You do not have to be part of a collective dilemma that associates with fear, limitation, and separation.
If you want to ride on the leading edge of where we are headed instead of in the middle of the pack begin to stay grounded by movement, indoors or out and keeping your energy moving with gentle, deep breathing. It is also a time to pay attention to your immune system. The health of your immune system extends far beyond the physical layers of well-being to encompass the expanded energetic realms around you. Your resistance to illness, disease, emotional/mental projections, entity attachment, and electronic interference largely depends upon the vitality of your chi or life force. As February anchors you are expanding the capacity of your life force which is why I suggest combining movement, breathing and visualizations/energy exercises.

This will broaden your life force channels to include the galactic layers of your immune system. February is going to highlight the creative power of the images we place our attention on. To strengthen your physical and spiritual immunity, you must energize the images of being completely supported by the infinity of the cosmos and the plentitude of Earth’s living library.
Another event that kicks off in February is the choice to have a new agreement with, and regarding, the nature of time. Inside 5D there is a deepening decay and transformation of linear time so be ready to re-align and re-evaluate your relationship to “time”. Linear time and calendars have served the hierarchical models of commerce and control. The 5D multidimensional model serves the evolution of human consciousness. In terms of understanding how you might function in each think of this: in 3D linear time you can only see the back of the “self” ahead of you; you don’t see who’s behind you and you are constantly waiting to move forward – to a place you can’t really see. This model is orderly, but very limited indeed.
The multidimensional model is spherical – a circular, cyclical, spiraling model of time. Imagine standing in a circle of people. You can simultaneously see, connect and learn from aspects of your many “selves,” and you can move together in unison and with greater cooperation amongst “ourselves.” Each aspect of self has a unique perspective and clues to add to the story of the circle making it a complete “whole”. With Gaia moving more towards a multidimensional perspective just become aware and steer away from the impatient, isolating lines and create more loving circles of people around you.
Think of February as a harmonic field of light that is generating a new definition of Self. Personal resonance and inner alignment are your goals. This is how the soul is re-establishing itself here. Draw your attention each day to the eye of God on a human plane. Be diligent in the task of energy management; assume the position of strength and calm supportive alignment to thought that holds light. Remember my friends, that whatever you make matter by your thoughts literally makes matter, or form, in your experience. You do not have the luxury of ignorance any longer. If you can maintain your focus on your awakening then the volition of creation will carry you to the Divine psyche of God in wo/man.
Dancin down the passageway of fantastic cosmic schemes with you -
©2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff, All Rights Reserved.

Monumental Journey

The following is my inner wisdom speaking to me about our planned trip aboard the Neptune which was scheduled for the weekend of February 5th, 2012.  A variety of emotions were rushing through at any given time during that week.  I sat down to gather my thoughts and asked for  perspective.  This is what I received.  

By Sharda Chaitanya

The game-changing has begun, and you, the small wonder of the big universe, are on the cusp of the revolution.   Remain fearless, there has been nothing that you've gained in your life by being otherwise.

We've invited you, as you asked.  You've noticed that you've been getting what you want, at the same time you are receiving signs and signals on a regular basis.  Cumulatively it is substantial, once you take a step back and review a bit.  That day in the crowd where you were in the middle of "the chaos",  yes, that was an assignment, and you did extremely well, and we are pleased.  As you walked away it occurred to you, and correctly so, that this had been an assignment.  And you asked for a reward because you said it was hard.   Now here it is -- the reward to travel to the 5th dimension with a delegation lead by Steve Beckow and Linda Dillon.   So many of your prayers are answered in this moment.  You're a Cosmic Traveler, and you join with other Cosmic Travelers on this trip of a lifetime.  And there will be more trips and there will be more opportunities to travel inter-dimensionally as well, and to do so with ease and grace.  Not that this is difficult -- all amenities will be available and abundant.  You have spent many years with your teachers and mentors, and have been the recipient of unconditional love and support.  So imagine that 100x greater!

Your mood today has fluctuated considerably because as always you are  gauging yourself for all levels of thinking and emotions.  You have a technique whereby you call in even the lower energies to see if they respond and to see if there is match with any of your systems.  It is a way of purging any residual lower vibrations from your energy field.  You are guessing that soon you will no longer have to do that, and you are correct. It is normal to be nervous about the trip, it means you get it.  But what is on the other side of the veil is beyond your greatest dream -- and it only gets better from there.  It's been a very long time since you have been surrounded by a higher vibrational tone.  That proximity, (what else could it be?), will change your and everyone's frequency.  You already know this and is why in your heart you already know what to expect.  Everyone does because you come here in your astral body all the time.   

Did we not only a few days ago write about your having come from the stars?  A child of the universe?  So you see, you ability to create what you want is happening so easily.  Does this not get your attention?  No sooner did you think that you would like to join the group (at that time it was a meager 20 attendees going) than you receive an email from your compassionate brother Steve.  How is this anything but love, my sweet Child?   Yes, this is soul power, and it gives us so much joy that you are attuning your instrument to the "cosmic hum" referred to in the Arcturian Star Chronicles.  You've never felt like anything less than the child of Divine Mother, and all the glory of that is yours.  And so why wouldn't you receive what your heart desires?  This certainly is not the first time that you have gotten your way!  Own it, proclaim it and embrace it, you have every God-given right to do so.  Do not wait for the world.  The world will follow you, you do not have to follow it.

(2 Days Later)
 Stepping away is good and very necessary.  Look, inquire, question and pontificate; it is what the intellect requires and finds comfort in.  When you do this in conjunction with your heart, while keeping the mind open to incoming signals from us, you have a winning source of clear connectivity.  The answers, realizations more accurately, will unfold so easily and simply when allowed -- finally you are getting this, that is to say, putting it into action .  This past week has been no small task!  Any unfoldment that bring us closer to Source, any releasing of fears and trepidation, is cause for celebration.  These are the victories that are well-deserved.  What happened for you in the way of shifting your internal consciousness as a result of the collective intention was something you could not have done on your own quite so easily -- this is what I believe you refer to as Divine Intervention.  And glorious it is indeed!

The time for space travel is so very very close, my dearest heart, and the world should know this.  You have been steadfast in your goals and diligent in your discipline.  The time is upon you when you are to reap the rewards of a life on the Path to the Truth.  (You don't have to put caps on these things, but we appreciate your enthusiasm.)  Your comfort level with sharing this is not 100% yet, but you know you must do so eventually.  It is part of coming out from under the cloak of ignorance to the light of knowledge.  Once you've uncovered your own limitations, it falls upon you to bring the truth to others.  At their behest, of course.  What we mean is that you are availing yourself to the service of residents of this great Earth.  You are not one to turn your back and are ready to step into the role that you have been groomed for.  This information that you have access to is nothing certainly to be ashamed and we are sorry you still feel hesitation.  Cannot you see what a gift it is to trust your intuition?  That this is the beginning (not really, we've been here quite a while) of a relationship that is taking you to another octave in the universe?  Don't under estimate the value of what is transpiring for it is the clarion call of your soul's journey.  Let go the boundaries of opinion that linger in the back of your mind -- when you image in your third eye that enormous crystal blue effulgent light of profound brilliance, the feeling and the knowing leave you without a trace of doubt!


Why is it every time we look outside of our SELVES we become disappointed?  Aren't these recent events simply more of the clinging to external circumstances and illusions that we expect to make us happy?  The Maya doesn't end just because we are no longer in 3D!  The spiritual path is analogous to walking the razor's edge.  Do you want God or do you want the world? 

The question came to my mind today:  What if all this (the prospect of "flying to the moon", the anticipation of being retrieved by ETs, the d'enouement) was just a creation of my own doing?  A product of my imagination?  Then it would mean that I take responsibility for the story and the outcome.  It is my joy and my sorrow, it is my mistake or my victory, and it is up to me who I include in the script and who I refuse.  I am the star of my own production and everyone else is supporting cast or background, except for the moments when I (we) decide to give the lead to someone else. 

And for a fleeting moment, I gave the lead to Steve, and Linda and Grener.  And I did so willingly.  And I enjoyed all of it, even the so-called failure to launch.   All the while my heart was open and I felt all the love that I wanted to feel for my Star Family and the love They have for me.  Many other precious daydreams and projections and moments of heightened sensitivity were part of my internal landscape for 5 or 6 days.  

Added to the mix of all this was a deeper working on my own issues that were being addressed by other benevolent forces, who I will call Guru, that were very uncomfortable.  Is it that our movement toward becoming galactic citizens, then, requires still more uncovering of our ego-encased delusions that are preventing our liberation?  And if this liberation were to take place in the 3rd dimension anyway, which the Master Teachers tell us IS possible, why would I need anyone to come get me and take me away? 

After the dust settled and the channelings stopped and I turned off the computer, I went back to my altar and sat very comfortably in lotus, and had my own communication with God, who seemed so much sweeter and so much more present to me after my having experienced these adventures.  Of my imagination.

Yours most truly,

"Know yourself and you will know the world."  
- ancient Druid saying -