By Salvador Russo
November 27, 2012
We are just hours away from the sixth and final eclipse of 2012! It
will occur in the House of Gemini, it will be lunar, and its effects
will be mystical, the cosmic purpose being to develop and stimulate nous
in the minds of those who love and serve God. The sight that was
promised so long ago will be delivered beneath it, just prior to our
entry into the Age of Aquarius. With expanded sight and sharpened
perception we will embark into the future with our secret knowing,
observing life clearly, living wisely, and building God’s kingdom on
Earth with a cosmic assurance.
Nous is a philosophical concept which represents the joining of the
mental and psychic faculties, allowing one to perceive reality with the
greatest clarity possible. Without nous one is disabled from knowing the
truth of what they experience, opening the door for deceit,
manipulation, or worse. Through the metaphysical stimulus that comes
from this eclipse our extra-sensory perception will be enhanced so that
our rational thought processes are complemented with a mystic knowing.
The attunement will be intelligent, catering to each of us in the ways
most perfect to our place in our journeys.
We can expect to develop the following types of subtle sensory
enhancements: the ability to sense truth, lies, or danger, the ability
to understand subliminal motives in actions or communications, the
ability to know the general outcomes of events, the ability to
accurately interpret thoughts from emotions, the ability to sense energy
from people, places, or things, the ability to sense higher
confirmations through our physical body, the ability to know true
intention, cognitive sharpening, increased intuitive precision,
non-verbal communication enhancements, and a newfound respect for dreams
and what they bring.