As channeled by Tazjima
December 18, 2012
thanks to
Not having any messages come in for the past week or so, I thought I
might experiment and call in a master and see what happens. This past
week or so has been an interesting one for me. I’ve had high highs and
low lows. I’m sure quite a few of my readers can say the same thing or
have similar experiences. I started out with a short meditation,
invoking a tube of white light for protection and then:
I am invoking the Presence of beloved Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos.
I AM here. I AM Sanat Kumara.
Yes, I can feel you in my heart. My heart chakra was burning hot as the Master began to come in.
I stand in the heart flame of all who live upon this planet.
Thank you, Raj.
What can I help you with tonight?
I want to thank you for leading me to the J. Stone books. They have
helped clarify some issues for me. And I am enjoying making some of the
invocations that are listed there.
Understand, dear one that the ascension preparation given out in
those volumes is no longer valid in terms of what most people are
experiencing these days. The directions were given during a time that
has long since passed. The dispensations given out in the book still
apply, but few people, even lightworkers are using these volumes so we
approach ascension in many ways now. It is not necessary to even know
about ascension in order to be qualified to take the step now.
How is that so, Raj? (Raj is a nickname which the Master prefers to be called than by his full title.)
Those people who live good lives, in service and peace, will ascend,
even if they have never heard of the term. Many of these people are
lightworkers, but who have not consciously woken up to their missions.
They are vaguely aware that there is more to life than what they have
already encountered, but are unable to discover what that might entail.
Due to circumstances, some care for family members and work long hours
to make a living, and do not feel that they have the luxury of making
their own spiritual journey. They have made their steps along the path
of ascension mostly unknowingly, yet they will rejoice when they
discover one day that they have come into a new land, one filled with
peace and love.