This is Lord
Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.
Beloved Ones,
Everyone up
here on all of our ships are viewing what has been and is happening on your
beautiful planet, Gaia. She has such a beautiful, joyful smile with the
happiness she was promised eons ago. She has so much love for you, her
children, having faith in you as you come into your full consciousness and
We assure
you that you, too, shall be running on the water in your Dimensional
Consciousness, or doing any number of wonderous things that you may consider to
not be possible at this moment; nevertheless, it is known that you are the
Creators, not only of your next individual moment, but of the world known as
the entirety of planet Earth.
Dear Hearts,
you have done the most marvelous loving act that your dear planet has ever
experienced – you did run on the water, so to speak with this wondrous love
for all humanity… the sacrifice of abstaining from food for your physical
body from day to day. This is the greatest gift of love ever shown on any
planet for millions of years! Your time, and the love, the compassion, the
wanting for your Galactic brothers and sisters to contact you, bringing Disclosure
with all the Announcements, and… wanting US to land on your
beautiful world, Gaia! It was breathtaking. We all watched you from our
ship and the sparks were flying from your countenances. Your whole
globe was aglow.
Dear Hearts, in this message, we here want to share our appreciation for the
sacrifice you, our brothers and sisters, have made to welcome us and invite us
to join you once more.
Dear Hearts,
in this message, we here want to share with you our beautiful Mothership, The
New Jerusalem.
Looking up
from your world, you would see a huge vessel hovering like a big city, larger
than any you have on your world. She even glows and is alive - organic.
Not anything like your transportation on Earth. The New Jerusalem is many
millions of years old. She has been mentioned in your bible many
times (King James version), referred to even as a city upon your Earth:
Revelations, Chapter 21, Verse 2
St. Luke,
Chapter 24, Verse 50
St. Mark,
Chapter 19, Verse 15
Maybe we can
describe our ship to you and you can visualize it in your mind’s eye:
The New Jerusalem is the largest of the “Inns of Heaven;” a
floating Etheric world, housing the headquarters… the Quarters of Lord Sananda,
Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command. The New Jerusalem is a Pearly White
Space City. It is 2,000 miles in length and the width is half of the
length. It is one of ten MotherShips. It will be seen from coast to
coast. It has twelve levels:
1. Bottom
– The entry and exit
portal for
trafficking craft. Includes disembarking platforms, parking docks,
garages, maintenance departments, storage areas andRegistration Headquarters.
2. A
colossal stockroom. The Quartermaster Deck containing all manner of
supplies. It is an immaculate city of warehouses.
3. A vast zoo, including animal husbandry research and a bird land with
creatures from many worlds.
4. Agricultural research. It is like a vast farmland of well kept
vegetables, gardens and fruit orchards. Much of the growth is blue instead of
5. Housing Center for all those technicians and persons who serve on the
four levels below.
6. Recreational Level and lovely landscaped park areas for residents of
all ages.
7. Medical Complex. Patient facilities, dental care, biological
research, ships lavatories and quarters for all medical personnel.
8. Housing prepared for Earth evacuees. It contains staterooms for
individuals and apartments for families. There are countless joint dining
areas, social halls, nursery care sections, laundry facilities and information
9. University Compound. The Halls of Wisdom, vast libraries,
endless concert halls and cultural interests, halls of learning for all ages,
music rooms and computer classrooms.
10. Special apartments for visiting dignitaries from all dimensions, barracks
for the ET’s, staterooms and apartments with multiple scattered conference
rooms and beautiful sprawling dining and lounge areas.
Ashtar Command Headquarters and Great Rotunda Meeting Hall. Earth
evacuees are brought to this Great Hall for any necessary group gatherings. The
Command Communication Center is located here.
Officers’ Observation Deck and Pilot Control Center, which can be visited by
How our
Earth Support system works:
Hearts, there are millions of craft operating in your solar system at all
times, and many of these belong to the Ashtar Command. Some are stationed
far above your planet and are more or less stationary for long periods of time,
keeping track of the Earth on their monitoring systems. Others move
about, discharging their various duties. We have small craft doing
surveying activities, and we have larger craft with an extended range that are
capable of operating in space and which visit planets in other solar systems.
Each base or Earth unit does, at all times, have its personal craft hovering
within its vortex, for personal, immediate relay of messages to or from that
unit. This station, or platform, never changes, although the persons involved
might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation to return later. All
of our signals, beams and contact are relayed to our messengers through the
medium of these individual platforms of contact. In the atmosphere above
a base unit there is an invisible identifying beam that projects incredibly high
above it for identification purposes. This beam projection identifies the
particular command sponsoring the base unit. Those of you who serve in
your places, be assured, that all who participate in this program know you are
The true inter-planetary craft, the Ventlas of our forces, will appear to your
optics with a manifestation of colored lights, usually green, red and
white. They will sometimes appear constantly red and green, other times,
they will appear to be flashing.
Questions have been asked why there are not more spaceships seen in the
skies. We would like to answer that by saying that they are there.
It is not necessary for them to be seen in such great numbers at this time to
implement their work. The time is coming soon when great fleets of them,
vast armadas, will be seen in the skies, and that will tell you, who are drawn
so close to our hearts, that another phase of our work has begun.
At the moment, we expect the conditions to be propitious for the taking of
those who are inwardly prepared on shorter or longer journeys. We know
you are all longing for this. We hesitate ever to cause disappointment in
any heart and yet we must say that in some cases, the physical body could not
take such a flight. Beloved Ones, it must be a body in perfect physical
health, in a certain type of spiritual atunement, in a certain degree of soul
evolvement and in a state of mental alertness and readiness.
Earth’s Energy Grid for First Contact:
From the
book, “Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation,” page 14:
“Lord Ashtar
and Lord Sananda Jesus are the sole deciders in the Earth Ascension and when it
is appropriate to decloak the StarShips in the fleets in Earth’s orbit.
When this happens, Ashtar is in charge of creating a Force Field on Earth
through the Earth Grid connected through the pyramids, ziggurats and portals of
Earth which will bring us to zero-point.
“Within this
energy, much more advanced technology is possible. To illustrate the Earth
Grid, we have the example of Mount Hermon . Mount Hermon is
where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. Mount Hermon is located in
the Golan Heights area and was gained by Israel in the land grab of the 6-day
war in 1967. Mount Hermon is a StarGate. Jesus took his disciples, Peter,
James and John with him to the mountain top. The three then fell asleep.
A StarShip appears and Jesus meets with his Galactic travelers, Elijah
and Moses. They come out of the Ship, onto the mountain and Jesus appears in
his Glowie or Etheric Body to his disciples. Mount Hermon is located on
the 33rd Latitude Line of Earth. If you follow the 33rd parallel around
to the other side of Earth, you will also find on the 33rd parallel… Roswell,
New Mexico, United States. This is the site of the famous UFO crash which
resulted in the recovery of live extraterrestrials. The Earth Grid is an
electromagnetic and crystalline pathway for Etheric Ships.”
Many are
wondering what will exactly happen when we actually make First Contact:
When the divine, right moment occurs, the amount of higher consciousness energy
that the local Spiritual Hierarchy has brought in will be much greater than
you, heretofore, have experienced. Individuals surrounded by a lot of
negative energy will most likely experience five to ten minutes of sickness
from these intense energies. It is almost as if somebody placed a storm of high
positive energies around Mother Earth. Many who are more aware will see
these new energies as extremely brilliant light. Everybody will feel it
as a calming energy. It is going to feel like the ultimate form of
These wonderful energies are to be accompanied by extremely beautiful celestial
music played by the local Spiritual Hierarchy. This heavenly music will be a
sign to all that a truly divine intervention in the affairs of Earth’s humanity
is about to transpire. Your local Spiritual Hierarchy will also form some
easy-to-detect, ‘Angel-like’ clouds in the sky. These heavenly portents
will be your signal that something miraculous is about to happen.
Dear Hearts…
dear, dear Hearts, all of you on your world are now in the position within your
spiritual growth to solve or put the rest of the puzzle pieces together.
And as you look, dear ones, and observe this puzzle, you can now, with your
great awareness (without me cluing you in
) understand why we are
informing you at this time about our large MotherShip, The New
Jerusalem. Yes, Dear Hearts, you’ve got it!
Yes, Dear Ones, you are at the finish line, running on the water, coming
through the fog… with arms outstretched, to join The New Jerusalem. And
know that you are loved beyond measure… deeply, unconditionally.
Your Galactic Brother,
Lord Ashtar
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