Note: I am not going to bother with editing the format in this one. Too much work and time I don't have right now. But I want to post this now because the message here is very helpful, and events in my personal life can corroborate these insights. Sharda
Hi everyone! Get ready for our emergence from the cave of the
past month!
We’re heading from the Scorpio cave into a new solar month of
Sagittarius along with a new lunar month of Sagittarius both happening on 22nd
Prepare for an uplift with a huge dollop of optimism and
What’s been happening: The past month, Scorpio
Hanging about, letting go!
Deep within the Scorpio cave, we’ve been searching for our inner
‘gold’ raking over the past, letting go of so much dross of accumulated
memories which are no longer relevant to our present existence.
Memories of regret, disappointment, grief, fear, anger,
resentment, blame and shame etc. can keep us in a holding pattern in another
time or place, whether this life or another, a period of time in history.
Scorpio is our salvation, our opportunity to get in touch with these memories,
feel the pain and release them, hopefully once and for all!
The past month’s purification process: Facing, feeling
and releasing old patterns, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual
We’ve been coming face to face with the fears, doubts and
insecurities which have been plaguing us and preventing our growth into more
evolved consciousness. This has been happening on all levels of our being
calling us to ‘die’ to the past controlling energies of our lives.
Where we’ve been this past month: Wading through the watery,
emotional depths of Scorpio!
We’ve been wading through the emotional watery energies of the
fixed sign Scorpio. Despite Scorpio’s transformational qualities, it is a
fixed sign which means we’ve been dealing with fixed emotions, emotional energy
that is resistant to change. Says it all doesn’t it.
Relentless release: With Scorpio, there’s
no letting up until all that can be cleared, reclaimed, discarded is done to
the Scorpio satisfaction. We’ve been deep within this purification process with
the assistance of the planetary movements, the cosmic forces of intense solar
activity as well as some extreme weather situations around the globe.
These past few weeks, months, years we’ve been feeling the
pressure even as more and more of us uphold the light in our lives and keep
choosing to come back to the path of balance and equanimity. Sometimes it
feels like we’re falling back, slipping into energies which reduce us to a
feeling of ‘less than’, of unworthiness as we grapple with the ghosts of past
times on this planet.
The weather extremes shifting energies out of comfort zones:
Steaming hot one day, freezing the next! Bone dry then flooded out!
Maintaining the balance whilst keeping the ball in play!
The weather changes, even from day to day, are an
unsettling influence on our sense of balance and wellbeing as they take us out
of our comfort zone. We’re going through periodic adjustments as Mother
Earth lets off steam, shifts the earth, cools to freezing point, takes us
through downpours and floods of immense proportion. The weather is a
fascinating barometer and reflection for us all as we work with the earth and
all on it, in it and of it as the consciousness shifts and releases what needs
releasing. We’re in a shifting landscape, turned upside down and all around,
adjusting our balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as
sudden abrupt weather changes challenge our daily lives.