Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

January 18, 2015

Celia Fenn ~ The Andromeda Key : The Starseed Transmissions 2015

This latest message from Celia Fenn seems a break away from what she usually discusses.  Here she is full-on galactic, and shares with us the savoring of all the beautiful frequencies of the outer galaxy.  Personally I do not resonate with Andromeda, I am more attracted to Arcturus and Sirius.  But it don't matter - it's all good when it comes from a place of love and E-X-P-A-N-S-I-O-N!!!!  What I am understanding from this is that at the very least we are (we have!) outgrowing our old selves.  We've outgrown our old garments and are Being fitted for a brand new wardrobe.  Light codes, transmissions, sacred union - bring it on for the planet and all of us who have tolerated this prison planet for way too long.  This is bigger than anything we've known so far.  It goes beyond portal openings or eclipses or planetary alignments - this is us coming back for ourselves, now that we've awakened and can feel what it means to have life. Life!  The universe is teeming with life and lifeforms.  And the message from the universe is:  "The HUmans inhabiting planet Earth will now know they are being lovingly taken into the fold of the cosmic family".  The exile is over.  We are coming home.

From my heart to yours,

The Andromeda Key : The Starseed Transmissions 2015
by Celia Fenn
January 11, 2015

In this year of 2015, Earth time, the Andromeda Galaxy will develop a closer connection with the Earth Family of LIght.  Many of you are from the Andromedan Starseed Family, and you will feel very strongly the incoming cosmic waves of light.

The predominant frequency of Andromeda is the Gold Light, and the Light Codes activate the creation of Beauty and Harmony through Art, Music, Dance, Poetry, Architecture and Creative Writing.

The primary Andromeda Star Gate on Earth is located in the Aegean Sea area, between Greece and Turkey.  It was reactivated and aligned with the New Earth grids in 2013 to provide the "Andromeda Key" or Light Codes for the experience of intense Joy and Creation with the Golden Light.

This newly aligned Star Gate is receiving and transmitting these frequencies into the Earth grids, where they can be received and integrated by those whose Light Bodies are resonant with the Golden Light.  This means that the Soul Star Chakra, the Solar Chakra and the Galactic Chakra are activated and are working in harmony with the Heart Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra.

 The Andromeda Transmissions

As these Light Codes are received on the Earth and integrated into the Higher Consciousness levels, they will assist you in the manifestation of the New Earth.  You will begin to find it easier to achieve creative solutions and high frequency responses to any problems that may arise in your lives or in your environment.  This will be achieved because you will have integrated the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and will be able to balance all aspects of self in that Light.

The Andromedan Light transmissions come from the Heart of the Andromedan Galaxy, from the Andromedan Council of Light, whose task is to assist your Galaxy in its emergence into its new form as a Golden Spiral Galaxy called the "Golden Rose Galaxy".

The Andromedan Energy reflects the Divine Masculine in its structures of order, harmony and beauty.  But, it is also aligned with the emergence of the Divine Feminine or the Goddess energy, for the Golden Light reflects a perfect balance of the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine.  The Andromeda Galaxy is in the process of merging with your Galaxy over long periods of your time, creating a Galactic Twin Flame Sacred Union.  So it is, that those who feel the Golden Energy of Andromeda also feel the inner alignments of the Sacred Union within their Hearts and Souls.

This Sacred Union, experienced first as a union of Spirit and Matter, and then as the inner marriage of Divine Masculine and Feminine, can also be experienced now as a Sacred Relationship Union or Divine Marriage within the Golden Light.

But, the Golden Light also encourages creative expression through art and creativity.  Within the New Earth communities, the urge to express the self and the higher self through creative expression will be felt intensely and in magical ways.  The Golden Light Codes of Andromeda will fuse with the Diamond Light Codes from your own Galactic Center to create a most magical outpouring of creative energy.

This creative energy will work in harmony with the Earth and with Nature. It will strive for Beauty, Peace, Harmony, Grace and Serenity.  It will be a true reflection of the consciousness of the Higher Dimensions of Light as they are grounded into the Earth Grids.

Starseed Activation : Andromeda

The Starseed Activations are designed to assist you to connect with the Starseed Energy.  You can use the activations as meditations that will connect you with the incoming Light Codes.
The Andromeda Activation will allow you to focus on the incoming Golden Light and to integrate this into your Light Body.  It will be an intense process that will accelerate the frequencies of the Light Body and incorporate more of the Golden Light.  This will be especially beneficial for those who want to work with their Creativity or to experience the energy of Sacred Union and Divine Marriage in the Golden Light.

We begin the Activation experience by watching the video below.  As you focus on the Andromeda Galaxy, the Light Codes will begin to activate and you will begin to feel the Golden Light entering your Crown Chakra and Pituitary Gland via the Soul Star Chakra, the Solar Chakra and the Galactic Chakra.  It is important to ground these energies through the Base Chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra as you watch.

Now, breathe deeply and focus into your Heart.  As you breathe connect with the Divine Flame within your Heart Center.

Close your eyes and feel waves and waves of Golden Light pouring into your Heart.

As you receive this Light, ensure that you are grounded through the Base Chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra.  As you receive the Golden Light into your Heart and into your Light Body, you are transmitting into the Earth through the Earth Star Chakra and into the Heart of the Earth.  You will feel these pulsations of Golden Light as the Earth Heart synchronizes with your Heart.

Now feel how the Crown Chakra is opening to receive the pulsations of Golden Light from the Andromeda transmissions.  The Light Codes are received through the Galactic Chakra and the Solar Chakra and then transmitted into the Soul Star Chakra where it creates an explosion of Golden Light that moves through your Body and Light Body.

Feel this Light as BEAUTY and HARMONY.  Feel the waves of light creating the frequency of Beauty and Harmony so that you can express this in your life.

As you listen, you hear waves of Divine MUSIC, the symphony of Angelic Song that fills the Cosmos.  Feel how every atom in the Cosmos DANCES to this Music of the Light.

See the waves of RADIANT COLOR that surrounds you as the Golden Light opens out and becomes a RAINBOW of CREATIVE EXPRESSION in your life.

Feel how your HEART and SOUL and SPIRIT are moving into perfect Balance and Harmony.  You are the DIVINE TWIN FLAME within and you express SACRED UNION in PERFECT LOVE. You are the DANCE of LIFE and the SACRED MARRIAGE.

Feel how every cell in your body is receiving these LIGHT CODES and moving into resonance with a Higher Consciousness and a Higher Reality.  You are opening to a NEW PERCEPTION of Life in which you are a Perfect and Beautiful BEING of LIGHT.  You are a CREATOR BEING and you are here to BE, to EXPERIENCE, to LOVE and to CREATE through CHOICE.

Now, breathe deeply and allow these Light Codes to integrate.

NOTE: This is a powerful activation, and you may feel tired in the next few days.  Allow yourself to rest as you integrate the Andromedan Light Codes and the Andromeda Key to Higher Consciousness and Creativity.

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