Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

March 30, 2013

New England Town Declares Food Sovereignty

Farm-to-Table Agriculture
Sedgwick, Maine is first town to declare total food sovereignty, opposing state and federal laws

by  J.D. Heyes
March 25, 2013

There is a food revolution taking hold all over America, whether it is in the form of demanding labeling of GM foods, the right to produce and sell raw milk and other commodities, or - in the case of Sedgwick, Maine - declaring all local food transactions of any kind free and legal.

According to the website, Sedgwick is the first city in the U.S. to free itself from the constraints of federal and state food regulation. Published reports say the town has passed an ordinance that gives its citizens the right "to produce, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing," regulations be damned. The ordinance includes raw milk, meats that are slaughtered locally, all produce and just about anything else you might imagine.

And what's more, three additional towns in Maine are expected to take up similar ordinances soon, said the

March 28, 2013

Post-Equinox Full Moon ~ Passage to Fulfillment

Message from Archangel Michael 
Channeled by Meredith Murphy 

Telepathic Transmission - 26 March 2013

Beloved Ones,

You're about to enter the new paradigm of being. You've been preparing for this for a long while. Some conscious for longer than others, but for all of you, what feels like a long, and arduous challenge. It is so wonderful when you reach a moment like this in life -- when you don't have to do anything, just let all you have already created ripen.

The galactic energies of the moon alignment will usher you into the new expression of being you have longed sense would become a reality on Earth.

The balance within you, emerging from the Equinox, is the last part of integrating the re-calibration process/program transmitted during the December Solstice and which has been unfolding and firing since then.

March 27, 2013

Divine Timing is Everything

Whatever needs to be known will be revealed in the exact moment you need to know it.


How often do we stress ourselves out because we think we know how long something is going to take, and then it takes longer than we expected?  We see this all the time and yet we do ourselves a tremendous disservice by setting time related goals.  For, from the moment we go past the time parameter we have set for ourselves, we tend to take on unnecessary emotional charge.  For some, this charge acts as a small nuisance, but for others they see themselves as "running behind" or "having to play catch up all the time."  What they aren't realizing is that they never would have built up any emotional charge in the first place if they hadn't set any predetermined time limits for themselves.

The Sirian High Council ~ The Divine Plan is One of Clarity and Concern

I had done a meditation late this evening, around midnight. It was a beautiful guided meditation that a friend of mine does on You Tube, and that you can listen to here.  Somewhere about 1/3 of the way into it, as the energies were working, a random thought occurred to me.  I thought, "I am tired of digging myself out of every last predicament of 3D.  I am tired of constantly having to transmute denser 3D vibrations, from wherever they emanate, just to keep my spiritual perspective in place and not get bogged down by lower emotions or struggles that can easily impede my progress."  The image of literally digging myself out from a pile of dirt, lest I become inundated, sprang to mind, and all I could do was look up and connect to a freer place, where no more digging was required and I was unstuck from the cycle of backpeddling straight into this fucked up world.   Today I told the Universe "enough!".  

Then I came to my computer for one last glance, to see if there was anything new to read Needless to say, the Universe heard me.  -S.C.-

The Sirian High Council
Evolutionary Progression
 March 26, 2013

 Humans no longer are required to dig in the dirt for their sustenance. Pleiadians and Sirians, and other Fourth Dimensional and Fifth Dimensional beings are no longer in the evolutionary strata that need to seek emotional sustenance from thought forms generated by magnetically grounded earth minds. The movement is towards the Galactic Center and beyond. Human movement is to ascend to the present placement of the Sirian/Pleiadian Cultures within the harmonic structure of a universal transposition. The time frame given allows for harmonic jumps and movements along quintessential perfection. Humanity is part of Universal Transition, where fullness of enlightenment and illumination is achieved in accord with the divine plan. The most appropriate and viable option is the movement into the Fifth Dimension.

March 26, 2013

Sheldon Nidle Update: Events will lead to a new era of Love and Light!

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Galaxy upon galaxy wait upon your immense talents and abilities! You are to co-create the instruments that will help Heaven in unfolding the Supreme Creator's plan for this creation.

5 Men, 3 Mac, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! We come to explain what we are currently doing and why it has not yet manifested. As you can clearly see around you, the dark's minions are still in power across this precious globe. We have worked hard to create a working alliance between our sacred secret allies and ourselves, and this union has produced a new monetary system and secured huge amounts of unaccounted-for gold and silver to back the new financial system. In addition, we laid the foundation for a new banking system and set up the legal instruments that terminate the tyranny of the large private banks, as it is vital that this global, octopus-like institution be no longer able to suck the life out of your world's economies. Furthermore, a new international system of governance is shortly to be in effect. The final arbiter of all things connected to this scenario is Heaven. The agreement between the Light and the dark that was put into effect some 13 millennia ago is winding down and a series of celestial events will terminate that agreement, taking with it the conditions which hold you in thrall to limited consciousness. This sequence of events is now underway and will shortly allow a new era on your world to begin.

Indications That You Are A Crystal Being

Do You Have Crystal Energy?

By Jennifer Hoffman – March 25, 2013

Crystal energy is a profoundly spiritual, highly empathic energetic imprint that has come to the forefront with adults born in the 1950s and 1960s and the younger generations born after 1976. The early Crystals brought a highly concentrated form of the Crystal energy to the planet, preparing it for the children who would come later.

Crystal energy is thoughtful, sensitive, highly intuitive and very spiritually connected. This energy does not integrate well into the third dimension and having it can be burdensome, especially in a world that is so materially focused.

Protesters Shut Down California Monsanto Office

Protesters successfully shut down California Monsanto office

True Activist, March 24, 2013

A recent two-day protest in Northern California against  genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) led to the complete shutdown of a Monsanto  corporate office for an entire day, according to reports. On Friday, March 16,  2012, activists affiliated with the Global Days of Action to Shut Down  Monsanto began rallying in front of the Davis, Calif., office of Monsanto,  where they held up banners, gave speeches, and set up tents in front of the  Monsanto building on Fifth Street, which caused the biotech giant to shutter its  operations.

March 25, 2013

Summary From A Fellow Lightworker/Truther: Where & How We Are Now!

(Thanks to Doug from our Free At Last Facebook group for posting this oh so nice message for all of us.)
Doug McCollum:
“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America – there’s the United States of America.Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation – not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago.  My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success.” (Barack Obama 2004)

So when ya go to the doctor for a “feel better” shot.. the needle stings going in but..the aftermath clears ya right up. You feel better and on a road to recovery. WE ARE NOW ON THAT ROAD!

THE ONE THING that you all should be aware in the next few days is that the MAIN STREAM MEDIA and BOUGHT OFF INDEPENDENTS NEWS SITES will claim and preach that “THIS IS MARTIAL LAW…everything is doomed”. Let me tell you folks..IT WILL BE THE BLOOMING OF THE ROSE FOR AMERICA AND THE WORLD. Do you understand what this means?

The EXACT reason for our military now in the streets on the call and watch is to protect the 1.bankers 2.lawyers 3.politicians from WE THE PEOPLE. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!! PERIOD. no discussions! They are not coming for us citizens they are keeping the peace for when these first announcements commence. All unconstitutional lawyers, bankers, and politicians are a CARTEL set up eons ago to destroy this country and the nations of the world. FOR YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL FULL OF APATHY AND really need to pay attention to the world around you..and embrace truth. BY TRUTH I MEAN CONSPIRACY THEORIES…THEY ARE NOW THE TRUTHS.

Raphael ~Message from the Angel of Healing

Archangel Rafael
through Isabel Henn
March 24, 2013

 My Beloved, welcome the spring in the northern hemisphere and welcome the energies the equinox brought with it. I am aware how much you are groaning under the onrush of these so strong energies. They are more intense than ever, but your bodies can stand them.

These energies bring so much with them in their towline. Events for which you are waiting now so long that you are unpatient like small children before christmas. The biggest events however will take place in your inside, not in the exterior. Don’t look for them there but go into your hearts. There you will find the big changes. Your hearts have been opened and let in more light and love, but also let it out. Because that what you receive, you have to give away so that more love can flow after to you. Into a full glass you cannot fill in more, it will overflow. You must empty your glass steadily and that means that you have to channel the love you receive through your hearts and then give it away.  Don’t worry that the flow of love could decrease. That can’t happen because the portals will open even more and more love and light will flow to earth and to you. The more love you send to your fellow men and your environment the more love can flow after to you.

Hilarion: the world is in a much better situation.

Hilarion Weekly Message
through Marlene Swetlishoff 
March 24-31, 2013

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of higher Cosmic energies that have been inundating the atmosphere of Earth and  this energy is working through all of Humanity in a way of cleansing which is not a pleasant process for those who have not been awakened to the knowledge of the evolutionary process that is now occurring. Knowledge or not, each person on the planet must go through the process, for it is planet wide. As the mental and emotional upheavals take place within each Soul, a greater awareness of their own power is taking place and much adaptation and acceptance must take and for the most part, IS, taking place.

Video: Soft Disclosure on Aussie Television?

A veteran of the Viet Nam war talks about his 2 years of contact with three different races of aliens when he worked for the Navy in New Mexico.  This is a form of soft disclosure and this had to be "green-lighted" by the media powers that be in order to be aired.  So, yeah, overall a very strong sign.  

And I did appreciate the Tilda Swinton reference, otherwise the anchor dude is goofy.  Getting past that, this is really interesting.  Enjoy!  -S.C.-

The Arcturians ~ Trusting the Imminent Change

A comprehensive message from the Arcturians about the how global structures and institutionalized belief systems are dissolving and what our role in that has been.  For those who are familiar with these changes which have been underway for a while, this is long-anticipated news.  For those that find it difficult to make changes because of fear and ego-based sense of false security, begin to see the truth and let go of outdated beliefs.  It will be a world of serving for the sake of giving rather than seeking out what you can get from another.  Rest in you heart rather than trying to figure out what the details look like - leave that to the higher powers.  Our job is to hold onto trust and faith that the benevolent energy surrounding the planet is doing its part.  Relax, stay in the light and let the unfolding commence.  -S.C.- 
The Acturian Group
March 23, 2013
Through Marilyn Rafaella
We of the Arcturian Group welcome all who choose to read these messages.  We come today with news of great excitement as we see change rapidly falling into place for a new world order.  It is time for the Light to manifest in more ways than you have anticipated which you have worked hard to bring  about.  Be ready to see change within all systems of your world, for the energy is rapidly reaching a level in which change can manifest.  Do not sit and wait, but go about your daily chores  knowing in your hearts that all is proceeding according to plan.  Try not to imagine or anticipate specific changes for that interferes with the natural unfolding of events according to the energies in place and  is based on personal concepts of how things need to appear.  Rest, knowing within your hearts that the Divine I knows how and where to manifest, and you do not have to tell it what to do or how to do it, your job is to know the truth and trust it.

March 19, 2013

Sheldon Nidle ~ A Direct Message to the "Dark Arrogant Ones".

11 Lamat, 16 Ceh, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We come again! Your world continues to teeter on the brink of a new realm. The dark's minions are very aware of just how close your reality is to a most significant transformation. We are monitoring several developments that are being staged by the dark ones in an effort to somehow change their looming fate. The Anunnaki's 'children' have ruled your lives with an unchallenged hand for nearly 13 millennia, but this prolonged unpleasantness is now drawing to a close. Until now they have always found a way to escape from serious predicaments and are still hoping for some means of reshaping their current situation. We have news for you dark arrogant ones: This time, what you have planned is not going to save you. We are monitoring your recent clumsy attempts to stage incidents designed to spark a wide-ranging series of conflicts. This time, dark ones, you will not be allowed to shake up the world. Our sacred allies are now occupying positions that can effectively limit what you are planning. We have also created a network that can intervene against when so required. The time your predestined removal from power is indeed approaching rapidly!"

Hilarion ~ March 17 -23, 2013

Hilarion's Weekly Message
Through Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily lives, realize that what you are doing is experiencing life, all the myriad ways in which your Soul can know what it is to walk this Planet in human form. It is a tremendous opportunity to be here at this current juncture when so many changes and transformations are taking place. This, too, is a part that you chose to play before you even incarnated here on Earth. It is all of you who are physically incarnate in these times that hold the power and authority to create a new way, a new reality. Those who inhabit the spirit realms cannot effect positive changes unless it is through your permission and cooperation.

March 15, 2013

Severing Past Vows of Poverty and Celibacy ~ Archangel Raguel Offers Guidance

Reposted from September 22, 2012

 The topic of past life energy affecting our current life and circumstances is complicated.  The habits, mind-set and patterns that negatively impact our lives aren't always from this life - in many cases what happened in the past weaves itself into the present.  I recently had a reading wherein I discovered that the treatment I received as a young and erudite high priestess in Egypt is the cause for some debilitating and overarching patterns in my life.  Apparently I was extremely bright, and the depth of my knowledge was beyond the reach of my mentors.  They were threatened by the challenged I presented and therefore exiled me from my own temple/home.  The consequent trauma demonstrates itself in my current incarnation as not trusting enough my inborn talents and wisdom, and feeling inferior to persons of high intelligence and accomplishment. 

The revelation was nothing short of mind-boggling - the details of the underlying structure of my psychology were uncovered and deciphered.  Consequentially, I opened up to knowledge that empowered me to change those shadow influences.   Reflecting on this new information facilitated an automatic comprehension of the whys and wherefores of how I've conducted myself in differing situations.  As well, the individual who was able to access this portion of my personal Akashic Record also cleared out the lingering negative filter created by that past experience.  All this is conducted with love and grace.

The patterns that hold us back from being who we truly are must be uncovered and transmuted.  Those past lives need to be addressed, blessed and forgiven - released from past, present and future time, never to return to disturb our peace and progress.  It is not necessarily an easy task because it requires admitting that something is wrong - and then look it straight in the eye.  But so what?  If one really wants to change, there must be present the quality for challenging oneself.  Depending upon the degree to which you want change, the opportunity to facilitate it will be matched.  

Paul the Venetian ~ Set Your Intentions

March is Planting Season

Message from Paul the Venetian ~ through Taka,  March 2013

Taka sends along a channeling from Paul the Venetian. Paul the Venetian, or Paolo Cagliari, was a master who ascended in 1588 and is reputedly Lord of the Third or Pink Ray of Divine Love.
Paul is primarily known as having been instrumental, along with St. Germaine, Serapis Bey, and Hilarion, in starting the World Trust Fund many centuries ago. It was slated to come to maturity during this era and is one of the streams of NESARA.


This is Paul the Venetian. I am the one behind the deeper meaning of art. I am head of the department that is writing the codes and inspiring artists to deliver them.
You may ask “what are these codes and the art you are talking about?” Well, let me put it like this.
Picture yourself walking by a certain painting every day and the painting looks the same every day. And there comes a day you walk by and suddenly you see or realize something in this painting you’ve never seen before.
Most likely, you’ve just encountered a code. It has been there all along but you were not ready to see or comprehend it; you were simply not ready for it. At a certain point in your life, however, you suddenly can see, feel, or sense this code.

March 14, 2013

The Pleiadians ~ Message to Earth Ground Crew

This message from the Pleiadians reminds us that we are beginning to pull away from 3rd density.  This process has ramifications that are often uncomfortable. As we understand by now, our 3-D physical vessel is undergoing a re-calibration of sorts, and as a result has become more sensitive. Greater infusions of Light continue to surround the atmosphere, and we are adapting more easily.  Still, we might be temporarily experiencing symptoms of a medical nature.  This is in fact a sign of the old dense energies leaving the body, as the a higher frequency takes form.  

To this end we are encouraged to eater food that resonates with the higher frequencies, as that will facilitate our ability to hold more Light.  Right now this body is our home, and its care and maintenance is our job, as tedious as it may be for some.  What will also assist us in realizing deeper truths is simply being in sunshine.  The Light Codes are embedded in the Sun, and when we Sunbath, we are furthering our evolution by osmosis - the Sun generously radiates as much knowledge as we are capable of assimilating.  

The Pleiadians are sympathetic to what many Lightbearers have had to endure emotionally and mentally as well. They mention that we have always been confounded by how the world operates, we never really fully got it, even if we had deliberately placed ourselves in the middle of the illusion.  But that is all changing as we awaken one by one, as we live the life we were meant to live - in service to the planet and our collective ascension.  

We are conduits of Light, and if we are to do our job of emanating more Light, we are best adhering to these simple but significant guidelines.  We must take responsibilty and do the work for ourselves if we are sincere about inculcating the ways of Nova Earth.  

March 8, 2013

Family of Light:  

It is to you that this message goes.  We are ever present and ever near.  We are watching you.  To some this journey is being felt as more than what they can bear, yet this time is crucial in the evolution of new earth.  You who read this are the ones who signed up for this mission on earth at this time and it was a privilege to come here.  The lifetime you have spent here has rendered you almost, but not quite, a part of the reality/illusion which you found yourselves in.  Set yourselves apart from it, for this is where you will find your place of comfortable existence.  When you look around, you see a world that makes little sense to you, but that is why you are here, at this time, because worlds are meant to make sense, and planet earth is no longer going to exist as a place of confinement and imprisonment.  It is important now to speak of the current situations you may be finding yourselves in.

Sheldan Nidle - March 12, 2013

4 Imix, 9 Ceh, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We come with more news! At present, certain events in the heavens are in process. These, when completed, will indicate to all concerned that the moment for a grand transformation of your reality has arrived! At this juncture, the Galactic Federation is to oversee the legal transference of your governance to our sacred secret allies. We look forward in joy to what will be a special moment for you all. The dark cabal and its seemingly endless and ubiquitous adherents will then be gone. In their wake come a series of announcements and the global delivery of a vast prosperity. It is this prosperity, when combined with a new and equitable monetary and financial system that changes your world forever!

March 12, 2013

More Fraud? Yes, And It's On Your Dinner Plate

This is disgusting, unnerving and just plain scary.  The length to which profit-mongering food conglomerates have gone to deceive and potentially harm the unwary consumer has reached a new low.  Wow, at this point, how much integrity is remaining?  What is to be trusted as truthful and reliable?  Think twice the next time you see extra virgin olive oil on sale or frozen fish filets that look so appetizing.  Buyer beware!!  The good news, if you can say that, is this information being made public.  What grabbed my attention was the inception for this report was inspired by a program on Nation Public Radio.  Huh, go figure - Yahoo using alternative sources for their news.  Now at least that has integrity.  -S.C-

Food fraud in America: What are you really eating?

By Victor Paul Alvarez
For Yahoo News, March 11 2013

Rhode Island Rep. Joseph McNamara is currently trying to pass legislation that would make fried squid the official state appetizer. Since Rhode Island is the squid capital of the world – hey, they have to be good at something – chances are the fried rings served there are exactly what they claim to be. Elsewhere, however, they may be serving you deep fried pig anus and calling it calamari.

In January, National Public Radio told a story about a multi-state pork processing company selling pig rectum – referred to, by the industry, as “bung” – as imitation calamari. NPR’s Ira Glass did everything possible to refute his source on the story, but dozens of experts could not shoot down the possibility that people are ordering squid and getting pork bung instead. He went so far as to have his sister, a chef, serve a plate of fried bung next to a plate of fried calamari.

No one could tell the difference. 

March 11, 2013

Archangel Michael: Please be in a state of anticipation and grateful allowance

Channeled by Ron Head
March 11, 2013
Basically the message is saying that if you are paying attention, then you are going to definitely see significant signs of the shift.  (Yea!!!) And of those that are awake and aware, this awareness is starting to become noticeable.  (Yea, again!!)   I know something is going on because of the kinds of clarity I am receiving regarding some long sought after questions of my own that have been getting answered.  But not answered in a black and white kind of way - I don't know and then suddenly I do and it was all left on a nice piece of paper that I found under my pillow.  No, not like that.  

As we know by now, this is about an unfolding - it's a process, a very precise series of events that is unique to each of us, and yet we are simultaneously feeling the difference in ourselves.  So the answer(s) which I seek are being given to me incrementally; it very much feels like an awakening, that is, an awakening to my own purpose that in turn relates to what I will be "doing" in the world.  And even the doing is different because it is not generated from a survival mechanism (something I've never been good at and always confounded me).  I know now that I have been deliberately held back, so to speak, because without this time and space that I've been gifted with, that has allowed ample room to contemplate and meditate and spend time with my Self, I would not have these understandings. 

Hilarion: Assimilation of Downloads Are Being Processed

Channeled by  Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
March 10-17, 2013 

Beloved Ones,

Many of you are finding that you are in a period of quiet contemplation and restful moments. The assimilation of the latest energy downloads are being processed as you go about your daily lives. Much is being worked on even though it may not be immediately apparent to you. The transformation of your being is occurring on many levels and the changes are going deep. This is bringing out many patterns of thought and behavior that can be rather surprising and puzzling as it seems out of character to you. As more is refined in your cells, this process will abate.

A Question, A Card & A Dream ~ Bella Capozzi Interprets


“Expect Personal and Global Transformation.” 
A Dreamtime Journey and Mini-Reading
March 11, 2013
By Bella Capozzi

Montegue Keen: The people have taken control. 3/10/13

Montague Keen  
March 11, 2013

 As you look around you, my dear, you can see clearly from what is happening in many countries as people come together, and from the many emails that you receive, that the shift has started and it is gathering momentum. The 3D control system is losing ground every day, in just a few weeks this will become very obvious to everyone. I told you that the most powerful beings from ages past returned to Earth. They are making themselves known and they are leading the way forward to bring about the complete transformation of your planet.

This is what is clearly happening in Ireland, as people take on the corrupt organisations that until now controlled every aspect of their lives. The Irish people show dignity and respect as they come together in strength to expose corrupt practices and demand justice. Because they have adopted this method, they will be successful. It is the only way to deal with the corrupt. They are succeeding in exposing all that is corrupt and you know that EXPOSURE is what the Cabal fears. Up to now, they have controlled everything, but this is no longer the case. The people have taken control. They are the leaders in this struggle. They have the admiration of those on both sides of live.

March 10, 2013

Archangel Gabriel: you are beautiful lightbeings from different dimensions

Let your fear of change go, and walk happily into your future 

Archangel Gabrielle through Isabel Henn 
March 9, 2013

My loved ones, I would like to tell you a few words of encouragement. Much has happened and developed invisible for you. The divine plan has meanwhile entered the stage of manifestation. Behind the scenes, has been worked around diligently and tirelessly.We Archangels along with the Masters, your relatives of Inner Earth and your stellan brothers and sisters have worked on various missions that fall like one  gearwheel into the other, leading to the events that will manifest now in this month.

Video: How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy


Loving Crystals ~ March Astrology ~ New Moon in Pisces

Not only are we given a beautiful explanation of the meaning of the new moon in Pisces, but we get a wonderful lesson about the use and care of crystals.  Following the astrology forecast, the author goes to great length to explain to us what we can do to enhance the efficacy of our crystals, and how we might better communicate with them, particularly during the more powerful phases of the moon. I, for one, really appreciate this information, given that I am working with my crystals and precious stones on an daily basis.  I don't really know what I am doing, and have had probably a total of 10 minutes of instructions about how to "use" crystals.  Mostly I have figured it out as I go along - feeling what I want to accomplish, and then as for to receive assistance from the crystal or stone.  And that is the part that can, and does, become very creative.  I became more interested in crystals when I realized that, coming from inside the Earth, they are living, breathing extentions of the Earth.  Meditating on this alone in itself will deepen your connection to the crystal.  
My first experience in this regard was not with a crystal exactly, but with a Himalayan salt lamp that I brought home and put in my bedroom.  I was just fascinated by how this rock all the way from the Himalayan Mountains became a lamp and then found its way to my nightstand.  I had to honor it by putting my hands and rubbing it lightly.  Such an energy gave off the salt lamp.  I turned to my boyfriend at the time and said this rock is really old, thousands of years old.  And he said, it might even be a million years old.  With that, I again put my hands on the rock and something clicked deep within in and I become very dizzy and light-headed, but I remained still.  A part of me was transformed out of my body and an incredible sense of timelessness overcame me.  I knew at that moment that I received a message and an incredible blessing from the ancient mountains of India.  For several days after that, I stayed connected and understood something completely new - I understood that although I am in New York, and the rock is from the other side of the globe, there was a resonance despite time and distance.  Time and space collapsed in that moment on that day, and for a brief second, the "rock" took me on a journey.  -S.C.-
by the Pleiadian Delegate - The Queen of Light
March 9, 2013

New Moon in Pisces, March 11, 2013, 4:51pm AST.

We have a lot of Pisces going on!  We have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces.

Dreamy…watery..spiritual..and flowing..this is the energy of Pisces. Pisces is the cycle of endings and completion. Pisces rules the 12th House..rules the personal well as the collective unconscious…the shadow side as well as the untapped gifts..and abilities. Although the 12th house is hidden from view it is a rich source of treasure.

This is a time to rest, dream and be in the Flow.