"The information I receive is very personal and very much about my own path and my own growth. So why would anyone else care about that?"
Now and then I receive messages or knowledge from what I over-all refer to as my Higher Wisdom, though sometimes it is more specific, such as my guide,Vanya, or my Higher Self or my "Band of Angels". Initially I thought that the source of this information should be called by just one name, but it turns out that it is more than one source. At first it was just Vanya, but that has since changed. I thought it was just my own creativity inventing a new name, (which of course IS true, because they ARE me, we are collaborating) but soon realized that the knowledge and insight I receive is in fact from different entities. They are collectives, group transmissions if you will. I am getting a message right now from Vanya telling me that he is like the gatekeeper for Them, he is protecting me and is letting me know that no one can get through without his approval. "I have this", he tells me. (How sweet, really. He's so selfless. And vigilant. Today I was perusing the internet for stories and, while they are all good, nothing was clicking. I didn't need any of it. Not because they were not informative or beneficial, but because I needed to communicate with members of my Soul Group today, to stay in my center. So here we are.)
This is a long way to go to say that I share these messages because I want others to know that they too have the capability of having their guides and teachers communicate with them. The qualities of healing, strength, wisdom and of course, love are all the benefits of being in tune with your Higher Self. If we reflect for a moment on Their perspective, we cannot fathom how much more they have than we do, and yet any and all of it is ours for the asking. Depending on our level of receptivity and willingness, we can all manifest in our consciousness a greater wisdom that is enveloped by pure knowledge and compassion.
The information I receive is very personal and very much about my own path and my own growth. So why would anyone else care about that? I don't know, except to say it might spark something in someone else to search more deeply into their own hearts to find the answer which speaks to them. And not sharing it in not an option; if I didn't share it I would atrophy.
And while the transmissions are all about me, they, as far as I can confidently discern, are not ego-based. Let me add that the seemingly self-involvement is exactly that, but it is the higher SELF, and one that we should very much be deeply and continually involved with. As well, it is my contention that I am further anchoring the Light from Heaven to Earth, and Earth to Heaven, by allowing my words to expand outward. If there is one thing that I know I have been called to do at this time it is to be a bridge between the two worlds. Mother Gaia wants to embrace more of the Cosmic Energy within Her being, and the Universe wishes to invite to It more of Mother's love and light to assist Her in Her time of healing and expansion. (Some even contend that she is pregnant. I can't say I disagree.) It's a love affair and I am playing a little bit of Cupid, keeping alive the connection of Shiva/Shakti, Yin/Yang, Prakriti/Purusha.
And every time I have doubt or become skeptical, or if I read or hear someone who is a non-believer, then I listen to that, too. I see where and how that might jive into my frame of reference. I give it some thought and try it on just to see if it fits. It never does. I have my moments but then I bounce right back to what I am in Truth, because my heart cannot stayed closed nor my mind shut down to that which is divinely inspired and supported by all of my legions of helpers, by whichever name they may be called.

They are always with you and you with them. You anticipate the day when you can again sit with them in simple harmony of life and love. They are we, don’t you know. This idea has entered your mind most recently and we are pleased to see your mind open and receptive to our transmittal. It is a big deal right now for you to “wrap your mind around”, as you say, this reality. We use the term reality rather than idea because more of what you consider ideas are on their way to becoming manifest. This too is something that is on the horizon for you. Get ready. Remember thought become things. Often you have found situations in everyday life to be most tedious and mundane. That is because the vibration of those places, people or events do not synchronize with your vibration. You are able to pierce to the essence of matters in a heartbeat and can make quick summary of them. Trust your clarity of insight, some call it clairvoyance. You are aware of it but because you do not want to place yourself “above” others nor think yourself better, you have always taken your talents too lightly. And a bit for granted, we might add. We don’t not wish to be harsh, we wish you too value your knowledge; the time will come when you are going to need it as one needs water or sleep.
You have come to realize that it is not a rejection of another’s teaching that is at issue. What is at the heart of your motivation is the desire to find out for yourself by yourself. It did come to your mind just recently that this solitary preference is in actuality your path. That’s why you do not naturally gravitate to what others are saying. Not that you do not believe it or them, but because it has to have found its way to you as your truth! If it already has, then you move along. If it has not been your truth, tand if it needs to be, you trust God to show you. This is about your intimate relationship with God. That is what has been the foundation of your path since forever, and has served you tirelessly. Keep this in the forefront of you mind. It has always been there, however it might have been buried in the back of your mind, but has had an overarching influence. Now it is time to bring it out of hiding and hold it up to the light. This is the sword and shield of Truth and Power that Archangel Michael has gifted you with.
Your Legions of Light
-the Angel of All-
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