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The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

May 07, 2012

Alec Christos Gabbitas

"Now becomes the time of placing all the information gently to one side and then to calmly look it over with a dispassionate eye and viewpoint."

by Alec Christos Gabbitas
May 5, 2012
There becomes in this now moment of linear time when all the multitudes of messages, texts, channels, prophesies and varying opinions from many sources, cease to take on any more importance or relevance, for just about everything that needs to have been said has indeed been said! Now becomes the time of placing all the information gently to one side and then to calmly look it over with a dispassionate eye and viewpoint. Stepping back and seeing or more-so 'feeling' what truly does something for you and what it is that truly does not, without any glamour, fuss or wishful intent; simply seek the 'lightness of an inner realization' that will yield only that which scores more points for you than near misses!
It has been an intense and amazing 12 months or so, as the ascension processing has been moving on far faster than the many may realize as multi-layers of info and input from many levels and sources of instruct have saturated the planet and all thereon and within, with an avalanche of energies, possibilities and probabilities, and the golden key to discernment is now firmly in the lock of altruism, credibility, with highest divine and goodly intent. 
The world is being transformed not only with a revolution but also with an evolution as time is nigh to welcome the forthcoming new Age of Aquarius, and yet another new millennium of growth and immense change. This will flow in with new waves of co-creativity likened to that silken tapestry of life on a universal backcloth of expansion and ever evolving ascension. A time of great opportunity and an epoch that has yet to be fully programmed by the positive thought-forms and divine will of the multitudes of co-creators now residing on planet earth. There now lies ahead the new beginning of this new world, the dawning of this momentous new age as the butterflies finally break free from the restrictive chrysalis' with the heavens filled with emerging new life and expanding light filled symphony's. What we also have need to realize is that the energies prevalent on the planet now are not solely limited to the old 3d physicality but are also embracing up to and including fifth dimensional level in many areas. 
This year, with all it's ever continuing and expanding energy inputs is indeed to be a 'Wow!' Our ascension is right now, it is not solely on December 21st., and we need not wait for that long to realize that it is in full flow at this now time, so we've perhaps another attitude shift to let go of, with that old worn out supposition that it will all come together at that fateful date. The greatest opportunity is the realization that it is in this very minute, this week, this continual continuum, from this very second onwards as we embrace our ever changing opportunities with wide open arms, accepting this gift of ascension with our every breath, our every word, and even our every thought! It's now, it's here, our gift of the millennium is in our hands right now, and it's for us to measure our every day and pace ourselves with loving intent, telling ourselves how flexible and how strong that we truly are. We shall bang our shins, bruise our hands and sweat from our brows but we shall not forget that it is now - for now is ever only the rightful time. Let's do it now, forget about December 21st 2012; we will embrace that, welcome that as it dawns, to give us yet another final inner boost that will set us off in ever perfected motion. 
There is no need to beat ourselves with that big stick and there is no need to think that we are not good enough! There will be times, indeed, when the branches will sway in the winds of change and it is for us to be as the willow tree that is flexible and bends with those winds of change. There will be times when those words of anger and frustration will bubble to the surface as the winds blow seemingly stronger and the patience seems far shorter at times. This is but human so to do and these exclamations are the release valve that will give vent to the emotions, allowing them to be free and packed on their merry way. Allow yourselves to love yourselves no matter what, and accept that these seeming imperfections are indeed better out than in - festering and blocked inside - let them released be! Tomorrow is another day and that day will you find that those winds of change will not seem so testy as they were. You are beings of such light and love, and you must also be aware that the whole of the universe is singing your praises, despite your odd 'bleep, bleep' here and there. You are so loved, you are so cherished, believe it for it is so!  
So, let us remember that the future always lays in our hearts and hands; the future is one which we are, in these magical moments of now time, all co-creating. There are many possible futures but only one that we as a light filled collective are claiming, and that is the right one, the light one, the love one! The one that sees all people as equal, as kith and kin! The light filled one that presents a future for all and everyone to embrace with equality and pure loving intent, where love lightens the whole world into a wonder-filled star of life for all to share, honor and enjoy. What we do not want is one that embraces any more the shadow side of living where money, fear and control, are the halls of fame for a chosen few. When we move through December 21st., we need to flow through with the utmost light and love filled joy and an acceptance that only that which is of highest divine good will be the only choice that is accepted for our beloved Mother Earth and for all who will dwell upon and within her, and so it surely is. Only time will tell...
Namaste, Selemat Jahin

(c)2012 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share giving full credit to the source.

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