Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

November 24, 2012

Archangel Michael: Your highest versions of yourselves are about to introduce themselves to you.

As channeled by 
Ron Head 
November 23, 2012

Once again we send our heartiest congratulations for a job well done. Your many group meditations at the opening of the eleven-twenty-two, while passing through the window or gate, whichever term you prefer, have been amazingly successful. The influx of further energies has taken another great jump.

Your current state of consciousness and intent have, of course, determined exactly what you are experiencing and how it is manifesting for you, but that is exactly as it should be.

We see also that you have given yourselves another boost of the rate in which you are absorbing the changes, in order to be ready for the final developments which are approaching. Please relax into this. We assure you once again that you are more than on schedule and nothing may now deter your further awakening.

Your intent, past experience, your life agreements, which some call contracts, and your highest Selves will determine the course of your development. And each of you has set an agenda which will best be of benefit to self and the All.

Be at peace and in greatest joy and gratitude. Your highest versions of yourselves are about to introduce themselves to you. The exact timing of this, and the rapidity with which it occurs, will be determined by your highest Selves and your guides. No matter how ready you may think you are for this experience, we assure you that a full scale and immediate onset of this could quite easily “blow your minds”. Allow it to occur in the highest and best way. You know what is best for you, and the you that we speak of is about to be experienced in ways you may not even have imagined yet.

What we wish to impart today is that it will all be you. It will take many more such ‘ascensions’ before you truly, truly grasp that in all of its possibilities, but it will feel as if at last you will have made this first great leap. And if you are inquisitive to know now what we are meaning, realize that it has already begun. Feel your way into this. Drop your walls. 

Expand your feeling, your sensing, your knowing, and grow with it as it moves you, as you move you, to the balance point and beyond. We, of course, urge you, guide you, and protect you throughout. May the peace and joy of your true being be yours from this day forward.

As we have already said through other channels, “Expect miracles. You are one.” I, Michael, and all of my legion, walk with you now, as we have throughout your journey, and ask you to request our help whenever you feel the need.

We will speak further. Good day.

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