Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

February 13, 2013

Archangel Michael: Watch as your prayers come to fruition.

It is not often that AA Michael via Ron Head speaks this specifically about upcoming events - that is, changes which are about to unfold in our world.  In the past they have alluded to energy changes, or changes around us relating to the economy, or attitudes, etc.  But rarely have they conveyed this sense of immediacy.  I think this message bears paying special attention to.  Plus AAM urges us to begin a daily routine of meditation and prayer - establishing ourselves back to center.  There is no underestimating the  importance of such a practice.  I have recently signed up for work that will take more of my time, and the only thing I can think about is, how it will affect my meditation.  I fear for the diminished quality of my time spent focused and blissful - all the money in the world cannot buy the peace that is found when we seek the Higher Self.  I would guess that AAM offers that advise for the very fact that we are soon to see significant and sweeping changes in our world and perhaps in our lives.  The best way to meet these challenges is to keep a continual flow of communication between oneself and the Light - a daily dose of communing with spirit and grounding in Gaia, to experience the One as Many and Many as One.  -S.C.-

Archangel Michael
Channeled through Ron Head
February 13, 2013 

As you can see, things are beginning to break loose now.  They will continue to pick up steam and, as we have told you for quite some time, will become quick enough to have you in a state of disbelief.

There will be people all around you who are unable to process what they are seeing and who will retreat into total denial.  You need not spend your energies convincing anyone of anything, dear ones.  Events and truth will take care of that.  But understand that they will be in dire need of ears who listen, if not agree, as their seemingly entire worlds fall to pieces around them.  Be not smug in your knowing.  Find in yourself any tendencies to even think or feel “I told you so.”

Compassion for those who are cut loose from their moorings is what will be most needed now.  Millions have known only what they have been spoon fed all their lives.  They have been told that lies are truth and truths were lies.  They will be hurt.  They will be angry.  They will want to vent their anger and frustration.  Be there for them.

When they have calmed down somewhat, they will have questions.  Even then, the wisest course will be to answer the questions and let them proceed at their own pace to the next question.  There is no need to lecture or teach.  Events will take care of that soon enough.  Very quickly millions of doubters will become seekers.

At this time, while things are still in the simmering stage, continue to seek yourselves.  Ah… we like that.  Continue to seek your Selves.  You will need that connection as never before, but also, you have never had so great an opportunity to create that connection.

If you still do not have a regular daily practice of meditation, we urge you to establish one.  Learn to center yourself.  Learn to ground yourself.  Learn to spend time in your heartspace.  Find your Source, your Creator, your I AM.  You need no one else to do that, dear friends.  You need only your own sincere intent and effort.  We promise you that you will be met with open arms long before you get halfway.  Find the peace in which your true heart resides.  It will be important to you.

Seek the possible best outcome in every new turn of events now and watch as your prayers come to fruition.

In the unconditional love and light of Source, we bid you good day.

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