Message at the Top

The Violet Consuming Flame Visualization

Keep the attention still and concentrated, and keep feeling the Violet Consuming Flame passing through your body until the Joy and Happiness of Its Power begin to make you feel lighter and more at ease. Remain within this, and feel It is God’s Forgiving Mercy; and Its Great Loving Purity comes into you and just loves to consume every particle of substance which does not produce Perfection.

Realize that the Love in this Violet Consuming Flame loves to release all substance from you which is not qualified with Eternal Purity. Then you will love that Violet Flame more! As you love It, It will love you; and It will love away all the substance that appears as limitation.Therefore, the more you use It, the more It will bless you. The more It becomes real and the more you draw It forth for others, the more you automatically raise yourselves.

March 14, 2014

Sandra Walter: Embracing the New Energy ~ "BE The Ascension"

I do my best not to be partial, but Sandra Walter is someone who walks the walk in a way that sets her apart from the crowd.  Again, each one is exactly where they should be, so this is absolutely not a judgement call on where anyone is on their path, nor is it meant to criticize any teaching.  Why I feel she stands out, however, is because her teaching is a direct result of what is directly transmitted to her.  It doesn't feel like a channeling or "intel", although let's not get caught up in semantics - certain words are fluid, and there is a lot of grey area when referring to methods of receivership.  She is doing the play (we stopped using the word work.  It takes too much work.) and then gives us what she's received.  This is the best way I can describe it.  She is up at Mount Shasta, communing with "all of them" in the spirit and tradition of a Yogini/Shaman. What she is ascribing for us resonates from an elevated consciousness.  I know because I was blessed to have spent many years living with Yogis and Sadhus - whose teachings were always precise and brought us back to our true center.  In this same way, Sandra gives us easy to follow but profound truths that lift our conscious vibration...period.  What we have here is a practical approach to living as Masters.  This is how Divine Mother teachers - with detachment and unconditional love.   -Sharda-

related link:

  • Remain detached
  • " busy-ness as usual does not work"
  • Keep the body vessel detoxified
  • Pay closer attention to thoughts - the new Light is reflecting back at an accelerated rate
  • The next 3 months will feel intense
  • "Hold true to responsible creation" (that's my favorite)
  • Tips for the newly awakened
Equinox Gateway Preparation
by Sandra Walter
March 14, 2014

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

As this wave comes in for Equinox, I AM offline more than on as this Gateway becomes my focus. Obviously the energies are growing more intense. Remember this energy is consistent through June Solstice, with a turning point in the dimensional energies sometime in June. While we expect a mass awakening to light for the population, and a bit of chaos from the collective as they interpret/misinterpret the new light, it can also be a challenging time for our Ascension process as choices are presented for what we want to experience. Day by day, moment by moment, we must be conscious in selecting what serves our Mastery.

Use these days wisely. Do not get entangled in the collective emotional/egoic/mental levels. Let them have their experience – without judgment or unsolicited advice – and be very aware of your influence if you have taken on a higher level of light.

It is extremely helpful to global service to be in a pure state of love during this passage. Calm, focused, centered, balanced. We are not carrying others through this phase, we are amplifying the new HUman state as Wayshowers. As we have learned, busy-ness as usual does not work for many levels of this process – it changes constantly now, and we need to let it BE.

At a minimum I recommend staying grounded, hydrated, rested. Detoxify body, mind, ego and emotions so you may hold as much of the new light as possible. BE in the new levels of stillness which are available now; this connects to you to Source-as-Self and you will feel pure Source light flowing through you. Meditate on Unifying all aspects of Self; breathe as the Multiverse and radiate stability and neutrality through HUmanity as a whole.

Service is personal and collective at once – you are probably feeling that unification already. This is not a passage for drama; zero point magnetics are intense as the veils become thinner, and your actions, words, thoughts will be amplified. If you have done the prep work, you will find your thoughts are changing, fading away. The new light supports this transmutation of thought form; work with it and witness the results.

We are in a rapid growth period, however the energies coming into and out of the planet for the next three months might lay us flat on our backs. This photonic light is evolutionary, and we need to welcome it without doubt, without judgment on what it is doing to us, and without complaint. It is teaching us (forcing in some situations) to be right here, right now, in the new flow of a new dimensional experience. Let the Ascension show you what your unique expression has to offer.

Support the planetary detoxification. Do your best to give up the distractions of the old. Get offline when you can. The frenetic energy of social media can be distracting as the collective worries and assumes what is or is not the truth. There are far too many trigger stories which misguided ones are irresponsibly spreading around. Hold true to responsible creation – only share what contains light encodements of the highest integrity and love.

It is our responsibility as true wayshowers and guides to maintain stability, love, harmony and peace through this passage. Sometimes the best way to teach is to be silent. It gives others the opportunity to have an AHA moment; they may see their addiction to mental or emotional stimulation and learn that they need to be still right now.

Guidance for Newly Awakened
Many are asking Where do I begin to catch up and understand all of this?  We knew this passage was coming, and I purposely redesigned my site to make it as easy as possible.

Newcomers will be lost if they scan the blog now; it is not intended for the newly awakened. I suggest beginning with the What is Ascension tab, then go to the Free Tools section for ebooks, article collections, What is Happening to my Friend (in 10 languages), and Youtube channel links (work from oldest to newest). Everything is free. I encourage donations if my work helps your journey. I intend to keep it this way as long as possible.

The accelerated, comprehensive, work-with-Sandra process is in The Ascension Course. It may be overwhelming for new folks – it is technical and not intended to be a basic course in Ascension at all. It is my legacy work, very detailed, and the only thing I charge for in my services.

Ascension Course Updates
Six videos were added to the Course site. Participants, be sure to login and watch the Sacred Space, Crystals and Ceremony video soon. The latest Q&A call included a message for those in the Course, the replay is is Module 14. I will add a special meditation for the Equinox – Solstice gateway this weekend.

Equinox Intentions
If you missed the article on Equinox, we have a major Gateway opening on Thursday March 20th at 9:57 AM PDT, 16:57 UTC. Read that article here. Kindwhile, I AM journeying to the SouthEast side of the mountain for Equinox gateway preparations. Gateway work has been very Solar this past week, and the Higher realms are creating so. much. balance. as the light intensifies. Be grateful for all those in service, it is challenging work as the new light emerges. It has been a powerful gate so far, and I expect deep Shifts in consciousness through the Equinox. BE the Ascension. Many blessings to all of us; it an honor to share this journey with you.

The writing and materials on this site may be shared under the guidelines of this Creative Commons License. If you would like to use any of the work on this website, in whole or in part, you must attribute Copyright to Sandra Walter and link back to

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