by Sharda Chaitanya
Thriving in the 5th Dimension |
Until very
recently life has been about navigating my way around 3D, and finding my
comfort zone with the basic amenities of life. For the past year and a
half, I have had to completely overhaul my own situation from the inside out,
in order just to stabilize life’s rudimentary structure. A great deal of
focus, energy and attention went into fixing whatever needed to be address just
to keep myself afloat. As this happened, a tremendous amount of healing
took place, and nearly ALL of it was grueling, scary and just plain tedious.
What was uncovered in my attempt at a “normal” life was at the crux of my
material issues – it all came from within me as I figured out that my internal
landscape created my outer world. And if I wanted to change anything, I
had to do the internal work.
As if I hadn’t been doing that for the past three decades.
But this was different. Now was different. There was no running
from the mess that I found myself in – no more denial about finances and home
and my relationship to them. As I struggled to face the demons of old
patterning, all I wanted to do was get away from it. I thought, if I move, it
will all be better. Because at one time, that was the case; I'd pack my
bags, head somewhere new and my experience changed. And a lot of
adventures were had, to be sure. But that was what was required back then.
Only now, every attempt to relocate fell through. This time, the Universe
was not letting me go
anywhere, and I
mean that quite literally. I had to stay put and ‘clean house’. Any
attempt to ease the pain by blaming the peripheral players, be they
human, corporate or governmental, would come back to me, magnified, showing me
again and again that I AM the one who must take responsibility for my life.
Full Stop. Every piece of emotional baggage had to be opened, rebooted and restored! The de-fragging of my 3D mindset was well underway.
Each time I confronted my fears (not without prayers,
rituals and calling in the LIGHT) I found the issue that created them much
reduced and my own fears to be easily and gracefully alleviated. You see,
the Light is all there is. Light is love – love is Light. And as I loved
my problem into dissolution, my burden ‘lightened up’; another layer falling
away, making room for greater spiritual comfort. It was literally ALWAYS
like that. With my guides surrounding me, the process of uncovering old
wounds was significantly easier, and working through them proved to be expeditious.
All the fear that I felt was so unnecessary. Again and again, I breathed
sighs of relief, and cried tears of joy to have found the help I needed, and
for myself for being brave enough to stand down fear!
Looking back, I see the plan was to help make room for
what is currently underway. NOW we are entering into a whole new aspect
of ascension, an entirely fresh quality is opening up, and we are being asked
to embrace our Cosmic Multidimensionality. Now that 3D is has corrected
itself (and if you haven’t experienced it, you will soon, because it IS right
there, just call it toward you) we can move forward into the next stage – the 5th
dimension. This is where it gets fun.
I’ve had my own dalliances with 5D, and they are
stupendous. Of course it’s not like, one day you’re here and the next
you’re there. The dimensions overlap ALL THE TIME, and I’ve been
experiencing 5D for a while, only now it’s becoming more frequent and
more...expansive. More real, if you will. It’s kind of difficult to
explain, except to say it is all in the heart, and when we think about things
or make decisions, the heart informs the mind. Plus it’s much less
weighty here – it is of course lighter, fluffier, sometimes like being on a
cloud. I find it no coincidence that the new technology is called
“Cloud”, because that is in fact where we are destined for as a
Writing about 5D is nearly impossible, I haven’t found
the language for it yet that doesn't sound like the obtuse vitriol of the
channelings (which I love, of course. Don't get me wrong). I'm waiting
for the time when it can be translated into Shardaspeak. Plus I know I am
blending with a higher aspect of myself, and learning a great deal of new
things about this process as it unfolds. It is still somewhat new to my
consciousness, but when I look back, I see it has been taking place for quite
some time. The subtle aspects are elusive and they may make sense to only
I can say for certain that I AM not the same person.
Or, a great portion of me is not the same. The former personality simply
isn't there. There is a newness and a new understanding based on a
broadened vision; perceptions are enhanced. How this translates is the
ability to see the truth in things instead of the long-held collective
perceptions that we’ve been brainwashed into believing. It’s crucial to
realize that this transcends mere intellectual understanding, because the
experience of 5D is indeed transcendent.
The other quality of 5D is that things manifest much more
quickly and, at times, almost instantaneously. It’s magical, this quality
of alchemy that is bestowed upon us from the elemental and angelic realms.
When alchemy happens it is generated from a frequency of 5D or higher, and so
the joy felt from its manifestation is amazing, pure and validating for our
path. Only loving and pure intention can create alchemy, its power is
reserved for those who have the greater good of Self and the collective in mind
and heart. Alchemy is a gift, one that is closely guarded by the keepers
at the gates where worlds merge. So tread softly, and knock gently.
"Through your
alchemical work, you have been learning how to wield your power in loving and
constructive ways, and this will only improve in the days ahead. You will feel
a renewed sense of peace, joy, and creativity, and [appreciation] for the
wonders of life here on Earth. You will be putting your skills, wisdom and
knowledge to good use in ways that expand the possibilities in your lives."
Hilarion, 11/1/14
Finally, I'm having a day where I can collect my thoughts
and actually get them on the computer. I haven’t had any incentive to
write, for the sheer rapidity with which things are flowing requires that I
stay in step. Around the time of the Autumn Equinox I had a series of
meltdowns that took a lot of energy and focus to move through. Plus I
have a regular J-O-B, after which I feel tired and need time to rest and recoup
enough to get myself in alignment so that I can meditate and BE centered.
Life and spirit have change so much that I even wonder if
this blog, in its current form, is even relevant anymore. I either have
to change the name or start a new one altogether. One that speaks to our
cosmic coming-on-line and our placement in 5D for realzies. Except I don’t know
that much right now, as this is all extremely new, and remains a work in progress.
Much love,
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