Source: galacticchannelings.com
I feel your excitement, my dear. The evidence is now out there and available to everyone. The CABAL is EXPOSED, at last. Yes, it has taken a long time, but it had to be thorough and understandable. Now the facts speak for themselves. It is the duty of everyone to acknowledge the true facts and act accordingly. You, the people, can now see how you were enslaved to a corrupt regime. You do not even own your property; you are only the tenant. Nor do you own your car. You have never been told the truth about anything. Even your children belong to the state: which can and does remove them at will.
As I have told you before, the POPE claims to own the entire planet. Again, I remind you, "nothing is as it seems". Look at the evidence for yourselves. It is now time to stop being slaves. The truth will set you free, and the truth is there for all to see. Dr Leonard Coldwell has done the research for you. It is time for you to study it for yourselves. You must admit that it was a very clever plot. You were all taken in by it. Now, you are being given every opportunity to step out of bondage and reclaim your heritage.
Michael Tsarion has also been showing you when and where all this deception began, and how it was planned 2000 years ago. You have been fed LIES about who you are, and from whence you came. The planning that went into this takeover of humanity is remarkable. No stone was left unturned. They set their goals high and they almost achieved it. We, in Spirit, could not allow this to happen. We have endeavoured to show you what was being done to you. Now, you are waking up in your thousands. You no longer accept what you were told in the past.
Challenge everything: stop just accepting that it's the law, and accept that the law does not protect you or yours: it only protects the corporation. It is time to unite and come together. The Cabal cannot operate without your cooperation. So ask yourselves, WHO HAS THE REAL POWER. The sooner you realise this fact, the sooner you will free yourselves from slavery. This is the first time in your history that you have been given the opportunity to take back your power, and thus, free humanity. Know with confidence that you can do this. You are not alone; the universe as well as the World of Spirit, is with you at this time. If we could do it for you, we would, but this is something you need to do for yourselves.
The temples of power are crumbling. It will not take much to remove them. They only protect their own. They do not concern themselves with you. You are mere slaves, who believe the illusion that was created by them. You have everything to look forward to: think of the celebration, world-wide, when you cut the shackles and see the LIGHT. Considering the speed at which the world is awakening, it is almost ready to cut the ties to the Cabal's enslavement of humanity.
Know that your families in Spirit are with you, every step of the way, on this, the most exciting journey of your lives. Some of the great people of the past are with you on Earth to assist you on this mission.
The Vatican will answer for its crimes against humanity. It is responsible for so much which it has kept well hidden behind the caring face that the public is shown. Soon it will be no more: it will be removed without trace of its evil rule.
The takeover of America is happening: though few recognise the signs. Crimes are committed, so as to remove the rights of the people to defend themselves. Switch off your TV sets which serve to keep you under control; you will never find the truth there. It is all part of the mind control which has been set up to enslave you. The American people believe that they have rights; it will be interesting to see who wins this battle. The world is watching them play this one out. What the American people believe, and what is actual fact, are two completely different things. Let what is happening in America be a lesson to all of you.
We must close now, as Veronica has work to do, with the people who will arrive shortly. All will be revealed when the timing is right. Come together in love and light and share your research. Help to open those minds that are frightened to open to the truth. They need guidance.
Nothing can stop us. Together, we have the power and the will to overcome all adversity.
My love, enjoy being with your friends. I will be present also. We are getting there!
My love is yours forever. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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