You were told that many have already fled Planet Earth. They have technology that is beyond your imagination. This was deliberately kept from the masses. Only the clones remain in most cases. Many more hoped to go but were rejected. This is the end game that you have been preparing for. Just because the media do not tell you, does not mean that it is not happening. They have been stockpiling gold for years in preparation for this mass exodus. They had to be prepared in case their scheme for the New World Order did not go according to plan. Because so many good people were prepared to share information with those wise enough to listen and take note, their plans to take-over your planet have been scuppered.
Ancient knowledge is being researched. It is opening hearts and minds to the truth. I never said it would be easy. You must show a determination to stand for truth and integrity at all times. Even the Pope himself admitted, last week, that what the Church has taught for centuries is, in fact, NOT TRUE.
That does not exactly inspire confidence in his whole set-up, does it? Notice that this information was NOT reported. I wonder why not ! The Cabal still wanted to cash in on the masses, who still believe in the Great Myth. First, you must go to the past to discover the truth. Then, go forward with confidence, knowing who you are and how you arrived on Planet Earth. People who worked together in past lives are now happily working together, once more, to reclaim the planet and take it forward into a golden future. Each of you has an important role to play. This is why you returned.
Each of you will develop an inner knowing that will guide and protect you. You will be able to see when you are being lied to; the aura of the individual will change. It will be obvious to all. Everything will be the exact opposite to what you are experiencing today. All the man-made illnesses will disappear without trace. Illness has been a great source of income for the Cabal. It is also instrumental in controlling the masses, by making them docile. Lives were ruined because people 'bought into' whatever label was given to them by the medical profession. They obeyed like sheep and their lives were destroyed; all the while believing that it was "all for their own good".
Fear is administered through the religions, the medical profession, and the law. Who talks of LOVE ? which is the only important experience you will have on Earth. Real love, that connects people for centuries, cannot ever be extinguished. No matter how long it takes partners to find each other again, their love never dies. It is the most positive and powerful energy that exists. Nourish it. Treasure it. It is a rare gift.
The key to the future is almost in your grasp. We just need to put certain things in order. Everything has to be in the right place at the right time. We must not misjudge any situation. You know me, my love, I was meticulous in all that I did on Earth. You understood and respected that. We continue to put great effort into preventing World War III. It is the first time that those who see themselves as the Big Powers have been rendered impotent. When mankind, en masse, asks for peace; then peace is what it will get. It is time to become the Spiritual Being of Light that each of you is. Learn to see the light in everyone, no matter how closed and repressed they are. That is always a good start. When you return to Spirit, you see clearly that you cannot be anything other than yourself. All the trappings of power and status disappear without trace. The false values imposed on you by those in control are meaningless. Such things are meant to keep you on the false treadmill of life, keeping you blinkered to all that could be. You will soon be free to experience the wonder of it all. The universe is ready to welcome you home once more. Earth is but a part of the whole.
Parts of your planet have been kept hidden from you. There are huge portals, known only to the few who use them to go off-planet, in order to store the riches they have acquired through dishonest means. The majority of you has no idea what these infiltrators have done, not just to your planet, but to each and every one of you. The time for truth is NOW. You will each be guided to open your mind. Trust the information coming through your higher self. Open up to your full potential. Each one of you is powerful: you only need to tap into it. Every help will be given to you, to help you become who you truly are.
December 9, 2012
Know that there are people who are striving to bring you the necessary evidence. They give of their time and make great sacrifices in order to bring the truth to you, and thereby, set you free. All that was hidden will be revealed. It is so ordained. "The chosen few" have taken on this task. They need you to send them love and light. Your energy is required to bring this about. Just think what an amazing story you will have to tell future generations about your part in rescuing your planet. Everyone of you needs to be on board this great project. Together, we cannot lose.
Be prepared for all eventualities. The Cabal will continue to make things difficult for you. Be strong and be true to yourselves. Always be fearless and confident that you are on the right path. You are all one - HUMANITY - with no divisions, whether by race or creed. You are all brothers and sisters having an experience of life on Earth.
My dear Veronica, go forward with your plans, with those you have loved, ever at your side.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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